Effective, on-the-go, Stress Relief Technique


Discover practical and easy-to-implement strategies for managing stress instantly, no matter where you are.




Do you often feel overwhelmed by a persistent dark cloud?

Discover how to break free from the thoughts and feelings that drag you down. Regain control with the Stress & Anxiety Toolkit, designed specifically for busy individuals who need effective, in-the-moment strategies.

Overwhelmed by Stress and Anxiety? Find Relief Now!

I created this course because I struggled with stress and anxiety... A LOT!

Like many of you, my journey through managing stress and anxiety was filled with challenges. There was a time when handling daily pressures felt like an insurmountable task. I remember admiring those who navigated life’s stresses with grace, wondering why I felt overwhelmed by the simplest hurdles.

My battle with stress and anxiety wasn’t just about feeling stuck; it was a constant search for effective stress relief and understanding. I tried numerous methods, seeking that elusive state of calm. The turning point came when I realized that managing stress wasn’t about avoidance but about empowerment and building resilience.

This revelation didn’t come easy. It was born out of frustration, countless trials, and the realization that there wasn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. I needed immediate stress relief strategies, not just a single tool. That’s why I created the Stress and Anxiety Toolkit program—to share the stress relief techniques that truly made a difference in my life.

When stress and anxiety strike, having instant coping mechanisms is essential. In high-alert situations, it’s difficult to engage in conscious strategies like intention, awareness, and other mindfulness practices, which are more effective when we're not already overstimulated or fatigued.

Armed with this knowledge, I transformed my struggles into strengths. The journey wasn’t easy, but it was incredibly rewarding. Today, as a teacher and guide, I’m committed to sharing these stress relief techniques with you. The Stress and Anxiety Toolkit is more than just a course; it's a culmination of everything I’ve learned, taught, and believed in, designed to empower you to manage anxiety and navigate life's stresses with confidence and grace.

Join Me on This Transformative Journey

If you’re seeking to feel more calm and balanced, and to face daily pressures with ease and less effort, this program is for you. Equip yourself with a comprehensive set of tools to manage stress and anxiety effectively, and live a life marked by balance and inner calm.

Together, we’ll embark on this journey of transformation. Let’s redefine what it means to live a life not dominated by stress but empowered by resilience and understanding.

What Customers Are Saying

Rachel Prescott

During a very difficult time in my life, I needed the tools to help me manage and understand my stress. The MIBA Method provided me with these tools and helped me change the way I approach stressful situations. I also found the course information very interesting, with Maria guiding me throughout. Thoroughly recommended.


Benoit Hutet

The tools that Maria offers really helped me in my search for calm and dealing with stress. I don’t have a lot of free time, so this “no fluff” approach worked really well for me.  I was able to apply the tools in real-time as I learnt them. I never thought it would be so easy to incorporate this into my daily life. I would definitely recommend The MIBA Method approach.


Patti Scally

 This course was ideal, it was fab, Maria is an excellent teacher, it was interesting and informative and I learned a lot from it and feel I made a step closer to understanding and dealing with pressures and everyday stresses that life can throw at you. Thank you Maria!



Michelle Whitwam

As a working mom of triplets, my life is a whirlwind of deadlines, school runs, and seemingly endless to-do lists.  Initially sceptical about fitting yet another task into my jam-packed schedule, this course turned out to be the lifeline I didn't know I needed. For any parent in the trenches with teenagers, this course is a game-changer.



Imagine if You Could ...

… Imagine handling situations that used to stress you out with a bit more calm.
… Imagine getting a better night's sleep, waking up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.
… Imagine being able to think clearer and faster, saying goodbye to brain fog.
… Imagine making decisions with more ease and focus effortlessly.
… Imagine that instead of reaching for junk food, alcohol or zoning out in front of the TV to de-stress, you might find healthier ways to unwind and take care of yourself.
… Imagine feeling more positive & having more energy in your day-to-day life.
… Imagine experiencing fewer nagging headaches or that annoying stomachache. It's about feeling good in your body.
That is exactly what good stress management tools can bring to your life. 

Bringing You the Stress & Anxiety Toolkit

What My Students Are Saying...

Massiel Rodriquez

This turned out to be a big step in my personal healing process. I really enjoyed the course because it gave me another way to view all those challenges that I face in my daily life.




Nacho R Lopez

I recently completed the Stress and Anxiety Toolkit course and it's been transformative. Balancing work and family life left me overwhelmed, but this course provided practical, easy-to-use strategies that brought immediate relief.   Highly recommend for anyone seeking to bring balance and calm into their life


Mathew Stanbury

The Stress and Anxiety Toolkit course turned out to be the perfect solution for me. Trying to balance work and family life had left me feeling wrung out. The techniques in this course helped me to . More than just temporary solutions, this course delivers a thorough strategy for recognizing and managing stress.



Get Access to Tools that Actually Work

This Course Is For You If...

  • You're Seeking Effective Coping Strategies: If you find yourself overwhelmed by daily stresses and are in search of practical, actionable techniques to manage anxiety and stress, this course offers a treasure trove of strategies tailored for real-life application.

  • You Are on A Tight Time Budget: If you don't have time for longer programs that require legnthy meditations and/or cognitive work then this course is perfect for you. The classes and quick and consice and the tools are easy and effortless to implement. Many of the effects are immeditae and require no prior knowledge of stress managment techniques. 
  • You Appreciate a Holistic Approach: You understand that managing stress and anxiety isn't just about tackling the symptoms—it's about embracing a holistic approach that includes mental, physical, and emotional health.

  • You're Ready for Transformation: If you're at a point in your life where you're seeking not just temporary fixes but a transformative journey towards long-term wellness and resilience, this course is designed with you in mind.

  • You're a Lifelong Learner: You're someone who is always looking to grow, learn, and evolve, understanding that the journey to managing stress and anxiety is one of continuous education and self-discovery.


This Course Is Not For You If...

  • You Believe YOUR stress, is OTHER people's fault: If you consistently think that there is nothing you can do to help stress, then this course might not be for you.  This program is about taking ownership for how you feel and working with it, using the tools provided.

  • You're Not Open to Self-Reflection: This course requires you to engage deeply with your own experiences and emotions. If you're not ready to reflect on your personal stressors and anxiety triggers, it may not be the right fit.

  • You Expect Customized One-on-One Guidance: The course offers a broad range of strategies and community support, but it doesn't replace personalized, one-on-one counseling or coaching.

  • You Believe You Already Have All the Answers: If you're not open to new perspectives or challenging your current ways of dealing with stress and anxiety, this course may not offer you the growth and insights you're seeking.

  • You Prefer a Solely Medical or Clinical Approach: While this course is comprehensive, it's not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.

    If you're seeking clinical therapy for severe anxiety or stress-related disorders, professional healthcare is recommended.


What's Inside the Course...



In part one we looked at acute stress, these short bursts of stress that are often related to specific events or challenges. I taught you about a host of tools that you can put into place to be able to deal with these stressors in the moment and as they occur.


In part one we looked at acute stress, these short bursts of stress that are often related to specific events or challenges. I taught you about a host of tools that you can put into place to be able to deal with these stressors in the moment and as they occur.

Class 1. Biology Basics + Tool #1

Stress triggers the body's "fight-or-flight" response, kicking off a host of physiological and psychological reactions. Understanding the basic biological of this response is like having a stress map, helping you navigate it more effectively.

This is important, when it comes to getting the most out of this first tool, knowing when you need to start and then literally being able to feel the body calming down. This in turn helps to switch off the psychological response to stress.


Class 2. Stress vs Anxiety +

Tools #2 & #3

In this class, we'll look at the bridge between stress and anxiety. When stress stays as stress and when it transitions into anxiety.   This reflects the interaction between external factors (like work and social conflicts) and internal psychological factors (such as thoughts and perceptions).

Recognizing how environments and internal states influence each other is key to managing stress and anxiety effectively.

Class 3. Evolutionary Role of Stress + Tool #4

There's a gap between our old stress response system and modern stressors, explaining why small triggers can cause significant reactions. 

Understanding this mismatch will help you to get the most out of this next tool, which works at counteracting the fight-or-flight effect of tunnel vision, calming our stress response by signalling safety.

Class 4. Modern Stress + Tool #5

Understanding modern stress is crucial for maximizing the benefits of this next tool because it helps identify and respond to specific stress triggers, such as digital overload or societal pressures.

This awareness enables timely application, tailors the technique to your needs, and encourages proactive stress management.

Class 5. The Vagus Nerve.

Tool # 6

The Vagus Nerve is your stress ally. This nerve connects from the brainstem to the abdomen and plays a crucial role in calming the body.

This class is actually a toolkit on its own. I will teach you various techniques that engage and tone the vagus nerve, resetting and calming your nervous system. 

Class 6. Thoughts, Feelings & Stress + Tool #7

Experiences, future worries, and self-criticisms can sometimes cause more stress than external pressures. Recognizing the link between thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations is crucial for stress and anxiety management.

Therefore, this next tool will look at enabling targeted tension release. This helps to improve emotional regulation by reducing the physiological symptoms of stress, making it easier to manage stressful thoughts and feelings in a more balanced and less reactive way.



In Part Two, we focus on managing medium-term stress to prevent it from becoming chronic. We introduce advanced, effective techniques to boost your stress tolerance. This section aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools to increase your stress threshold, enhancing your ability to handle stress efficiently.  


In Part Two, we focus on managing medium-term stress to prevent it from becoming chronic. We introduce advanced, effective techniques to boost your stress tolerance. This section aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools to increase your stress threshold, enhancing your ability to handle stress efficiently.  

Class 1.

Stress Threshold

Identifying your stress threshold helps you know when to apply stress-reduction techniques to maintain well-being. Understanding this will help you to get the best out of the remaining tools.

These practices increase how much you can handle before feeling overwhelmed. 


Class 2. Tool #8

Stress Inoculation Training

Stress inoculation training (SIT) teaches you coping mechanisms and cognitive strategies to reduce and manage your response to anticipated stressors.

This training builds both psychological resilience and physical endurance, enhancing ability to handle life's stressors with more resilience.


Class 3. Tool #9

Cyclic Hyperoxygenation

By increasing oxygen flow to the brain, this technique can lower cortisol levels, and boost serotonin and other neurotransmitters, improving stress and anxiety.

This tool not only aids in immediate stress reduction, but it also balances the nervous system, promotes emotional regulation, long-term neurological health and cognitive function.

Class 4. Tool #10

Switching on Serotonin

This class focuses on boosting serotonin through simple guided gratitude practices.

These simple yet powerful practices have been scientifically proven to activate brain regions that regulate negative emotions, helping you to interpret events in positive ways.

I will guide you to shift your focus, reducing the mental space available for stress and anxiety to build up, leading to a decrease in the overall feeling of stress.




As a psychologist, I understand the importance of maintaining certain aspects of our lives for overall well-being, regardless of the stress management techniques we employ.

In these three bonus classes, I'll guide you through innovative strategies to bolster your foundational stress reduction practices without demanding more time, energy, or effort from you.

I've conducted thorough research to equip you with these supplementary tools, ensuring you maximize the benefits of this stress management toolkit


As a psychologist, I understand the importance of maintaining certain aspects of our lives for overall well-being, regardless of the stress management techniques we employ.

In these three bonus classes, I'll guide you through innovative strategies to bolster your foundational stress reduction practices without demanding more time, energy, or effort from you.

I've conducted thorough research to equip you with these supplementary tools, ensuring you maximize the benefits of this stress management toolkit

A laptop screen displays a person's hand interacting with a digital image of wooden blocks, each with a different human icon. The central block, highlighted by digital lines, is being moved by the hand and features a red human icon, indicating selection or prioritization.


Social Connections

This lesson will teach you why and how to elevate your social connections to mitigate stress. 

As not all social connections are equal, I will also teach you the many different ways to can tap into the neurological benefits of social contact.

A laptop screen showing an image of two wooden bowls on a table; one bowl contains a white powdery substance and the other contains several pieces of what appear to be ashwagandha roots. There's a partial view of a digital


Dietary & Supplement Recommendations

 I'm going to share with you some standout dietary supplements that have earned a spot in my go-to list as some heavyweight champions.

These supplements can offer biochemical support to the body's stress response, leveraging physiological processes, neurotransmitter levels, and hormonal balance. 

A laptop screen displaying a digital illustration of a signpost with two directional arrows; the left arrow reads


Life Practices

Tweaking some simple lifestyle choices can act as powerful buffers against the pressures of everyday life.

Here, I provide you with some straightforward practices you can effortlessly weave into your daily routines. These not only enhance your body's resilience to stress but also promote a sense of well-being and calm. 

Bonus Features

30% off Cultivating Calm

RRP $349 Price for you $209

Embark on a journey toward profound, lasting change. This course explores how your thinking habits, perspectives, and alignment with core values influence your mental health. This comprehensive program is not just about managing symptoms; it's about reshaping your entire approach to life.


More Info

Free Lifetime Access to the Community

RRP $95.88 Year FREE

A space dedicated to peace, well-being, and personal growth. Being part of this community supports you on your journey through stress and anxiety management. , practical tools, and nurturing practices. we collectively strive towards a calm, positive mindset, and a healthier, more balanced 

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Premium Meditation Pack 


A collection of 10 meditations, including specialised practiced to help with sleep, focus and grounding, as well as exercises to calm the body and mind.




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30 Day MONEY-BACK Guarantee

Worst case scenario is you pay for the Stress & Anxiety Toolkit and you decide it's not the right fit for you... right? Well, no need to worry... If it doesn’t work for you, just drop me an email to [email protected] and I will refund you 100% of your money immediately. Why? I want you to be here only if YOU genuinely want to be. It benefits neither of us for you to invest in a program from which you gain no value

Why Should I Sign up NOW?


The Stress & Anxiety Toolkit is now available at a 70% discount! In light of today's economic conditions and uncertainties, I believe this offer is particularly advantageous, and I hope you find it helpful. However, this special pricing won't last indefinitely. Take advantage of it before it's too late.


How these Tools Have Helped Others

Adam Kharas

Signing up for the Stress and Anxiety Toolkit course was a game-changer for me. The straightforward strategies, especially the focused breathing, made a noticeable difference in managing my stress levels.  It's given me the tools and confidence to effectively deal with stress in a more positive way. A  practical ways to achieve a more balanced life.

Samantha Jones

I recently completed the Stress and Anxiety Toolkit course and it's been transformative. Balancing work and family life left me overwhelmed, but this course provided practical, easy-to-use strategies that brought immediate relief.   Highly recommend for anyone seeking to bring balance and calm into their life

Craig Massey

The Stress and Anxiety Toolkit course turned out to be the perfect solution for me. Trying to balance work and family life had left me feeling wrung out. The techniques in this course helped me to . More than just temporary solutions, this course delivers a thorough strategy for recognizing and managing stress.

What You Will Learn

Understand Stress & Anxiety Mechanics

Explore stress and anxiety's roots to understand triggers and natural reactions, equipping you with strategies for smarter management. This foundational knowledge paves the way for identifying personal stressors and crafting effective responses.


Master Immediate Relief Techniques

Learn quick stress-relief techniques that activate your body's relaxation responses instantly. These easy, fast-acting methods help manage stress on the spot, improving well-being and mental health with practical, immediate solutions.


Enhance Stress Resilience & Tolerance

Discover long-term strategies, including stress inoculation training, to enhance stress resilience and tolerance. This approach strengthens your mental and emotional defenses, combating chronic stress and elevating happiness and health.


Integration & Application into Daily Life

Adopt a comprehensive strategy for stress management, blending immediate solutions with sustainable changes. This approach fosters a balanced, joyful life, equipped to address stress and anxiety proactively and from multiple perspectives.


By focusing on these core learning objectives, you will be armed with a multifaceted toolkit that not only addresses immediate stress relief but also fosters long-term resilience and well-being. This comprehensive approach ensures that you can navigate life's challenges with greater ease and confidence, contributing to improved mental health and quality of life.


Unlock the Toolkit

$199 $47

  • ACTIONABLE TOOLS: From quick in-the-moment techniques to practices for building stress resilience.
  • SHORT & CONCISE CLASSES: Covering both the physical and mental facets of stress offering you in-depth insights. Understanding these foundational principles equips you to effectively utilize tools to better regulate your nervous system.
  • DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCES: Essential points and visual aids in printable PDFs, useful with or without digital access.
  • VIDEO & AUDIO: 90 minutes of Audio & Video content split over 24 episodes for easy learning. Teaching you everything you need to know about effectively managing stress as it unfolds. 

Still Not Sure?

Click Here to Try the First Class Absolutely Free

 Why not try the first class for free?

Zero commitment. 

Why not right? 


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Unlock The Stess & Anxiety Toolkit Today

Join the many who are signing up every day to get these tools and hacks to simplify and take the stress out of life.